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statistical aggregates for machine learning in python

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stat_agg is a simple Python package for aggregating predictions from an ensemble of learners. When aggregated, the statistical accuracy of predictions from different learners is often greater than any one of them. This package implements various approaches to aggregated prediction of continuous and categorical prediction challenges.

The goal of the stat_agg package is to:

  1. Provide a suite of statistical aggregators that maximize ensemble prediction accuracy for continuous and categorical outcomes.
  2. Manage ensemble in a way that is dynamic. New learners can be added to an ensemble at any time.
  3. Detect and retrain when one or more of the learners suddenly becomes unavailable.


The stat_agg package has been tested on Python version 2.7 with the following packages:

Installing stat_agg

The easiest way to install stat_agg is to use pip from within a shell:

> pip install -e git+


statagg is supported on Python version 2.7

The development home of this project can be found at:

The package currently supports the following statistical aggregators:

Using the library

Simple Aggregators

Simple aggregators are those where no training is necessary and the aggregate prediction can be calculated directly from learners. One example of this is majority vote where the aggregator simply returns the predition that appears the most often. An example is shown below.

from statagg import *
# Create 2 learners named '1' and '2' with 2 predictions each.
prediction_data = {'1': ['a', 'a'], '3': ['b', 'a']}
mv = MajorityVote()
# [None, 'a']

Note that in the first prediction, learner 1 and 2 predicted 'a' and 'b' respectively. Since there is no majority in this case, a value of None was returned. Other simple aggregators include minority vote for categorical variables and average for continuous outcomes.

Model-based Aggregators

More sophisticated aggregators can be constructed by training on the accuracy of learners' predictions. One example is the ordinary least squares (OLS) aggregator, which uses learner predictions as regressors and fits against the outcome. An example using the iris data set is shown below.

from statagg import *
from pandas import read_csv
from statistics import pstdev, variance
import statsmodels.formula.api as sm

iris_url = " s/tests/data/iris.csv" 

# Download the iris data set.
iris = read_csv(iris_url)

# Partition iris into 3 parts.
iris1 = iris[0:15].append(iris[50:65]).append(iris[100:115])
iris2 = iris[15:40].append(iris[65:90]).append(iris[115:140])
iris3 = iris[40:50].append(iris[90:100]).append(iris[140:150])

# Fit the iris subsets using the statsmodels package..
form = "SepalLength ~ SepalWidth + PetalLength + PetalWidth + Name"
fit1 = sm.ols(formula=form, data=iris1).fit()
fit2 = sm.ols(formula=form, data=iris2).fit()
fit3 = sm.ols(formula=form, data=iris3).fit()

# Get a random subset of the iris data.
iris_sample = iris.sample(50)

est1 = fit1.predict(iris_sample)
est2 = fit2.predict(iris_sample)
est3 = fit3.predict(iris_sample)

# Print the in-sample standard errors.
print pstdev(est1 - iris_sample['SepalLength'])
# 0.3014955119
print pstdev(est2 - iris_sample['SepalLength'])
# 0.279841460366
print pstdev(est3 - iris_sample['SepalLength'])
# 0.363993665693

training_data = {"prediction" : {'a': est1,
                                 'b': est2,
                                 'c': est3},
                 "actual" : iris_sample['SepalLength']}

# Use the training data to fit the OLS aggregator.
mco = MinimumContinuousOLS()

# Print the standard deviation of the aggregator.
print pstdev(mco.predict(training_data['prediction']) - \
# 0.271979762123

The OLS aggregator provides a small increase of in-sample variance. Other model-based aggregators include minimum variance (for both categorical and continuous outcomes) and a random forests aggregator.


See here. They will be incorporated into this page in the next few days.


Contributions are welcome.

For more information contact Michael Kane at